Fabric Sneakpeeks

fabric sneakpeek

This has been an exciting week for sewing as I now have two new makes to add to my wardrobe!

And you’ll get to see them very soon as I’m just taking some photos today and tomorrow so they’ll probably be up this weekend – yay!


The first one is my first one as a Minerva Brand Ambassador where the fabric has been gifted to me in exchange for a post on their platform. I chose this gorgeous cotton poplin and I can’t wait to show your the dress because it’s so cute and I’m wearing it to a dinner with friends tomorrow.


Secondly we have this super soft and lovely viscose from Sew Anonymous – also a collaboration – as I’m one of their Official Sewists. This time I didn’t just make a dress, but I also made an accessory that I absolutely love how it turned out. From now on I am going to want to make one to match every dress I make!

I really look forwards to sharing them with you very soon and hope you’ll like them as much as I do.

Until then I hope you’re all having a lovely day!

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Moa Nilsson

Äventyrlig svenska med en förkärlek för slott, snö och vintageaktiga upplevelser.

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