The Kendal Whisky Festival 2022

pr invite // All thoughts and opinions are, of course, my own. 

Kendal Whisky Festival 2022

When the organisers behind the Kendal Whisky Festival reached out and asked if I wanted to come along for their festival, I was super keen straight away. Kendal is an easy train journey away from Edinburgh and since I had been to wedding here in the spring I already knew about the town. What surprised me a bit was how good of a reputation this fairly little festival that’s only been running for two years, have managed to attain from the industry and whisky drinkers in such a short amount of time.

The festival took place in the town hall, with various sessions throughout Friday and Saturday. On the two floors there were plenty of visiting brands such as The Scotch Malt Whisky Society, Glasgow Distillery, Loch Lomond Group, Raasay, Bunnahabhain, Lakes Distillery and international guests like Cardrona, Mackmyra and Stauning.

Whisky Author Billy Abbott had also come along and was selling his latest book The Philosophy of Whisky and was pouring some lovely drams he’d brought along as well. His Christmas bottling was a lovely wee treat and some of the other highlights included the new releases from Glasgow Distillery, the vodka The Reid from Cardrona and Whiskymakers Reserve No 5 from The Lakes.

It felt as if you had plenty of time to chat to all the different brands and try whatever you wish and it also wasn’t too crowded but was nice to see a fairly diverse audience of couples, friends and enthusiast gather all together.

Following the festival we were quite a few who went for another few drinks at The New Union Pub, which also is managed by Phil, who co-runs the festival. If you are looking for a lovely selection of drinks, and whiskies in particular, this is a must-visit if you are in Kendal!


If you’re curious to check out tickets for The Kendal Whisky Festival 2023, then you’ll find them on their website here.

✦ Want to read more about whisky happenings?

✦ Or things going on in Edinburgh?

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